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Published on 2014-12-08

Published on 2014-08-21

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The monastery Tatarna (Lady) was one of the most important pilgrimage sites of mainland Greece, with turbulent history. The tradition says was founded about 1200 After about life 300 years the monastery was destroyed and rebuilt in 1555 the second was destroyed in 1823 by the infamous Kurt Pasha because it was used by fighters of the revolution. Rebuilt in 1841 to destroy this time by a landslide in 1963, the fourth consecutive single, today, was built in the 1970s in a slightly different location, on a peninsula that forms the lake Kremasta.
It may not impress as the old architectural and historic monasteries, but it is a nice and neat monastery is worth visiting for the Relics, history and the seat. Here we can admire the mosaic 'King of Glory' dating from 1350, the museum of the monastery will see rare manuscripts from the 16th century, Byzantine icons, sacred vessels, vestments, etc..